Statins for atherosclerosis: the fight against cholesterol is like the situation described in the proverb “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”

An article about how the desire of official medicine to reduce blood cholesterol with statins is like “fighting” windmills and sometimes with bad consequences. Statins began to be used more than 40 years ago. At one time, this was considered a kind of breakthrough in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. The properties of these…

Case Study: “Pain Reduction in a Patient with Knee Osteoarthritis Using Myofascial Correction and Other Techniques: No Drug Therapy Used at All”

An article about the effectiveness of using manual and physical methods of osteoarthritis therapy. This case will be presented in brief. My maternal uncle came to me for help. He considered pain to be the main problem with his illness. A. Here is what the patient’s examination revealed: 3. Physical examination of the patient. B….

It is believed that a herniated disc is one of the causes of lower back pain. Is this really true? Experience shows that this is not always the case.

An article about how a herniated disc is often not the source of pain in the lumbar spine. Lower back pain is one of the most common phenomena among adults. At the same time, lower back pain occurs most often in people of working age (from 30 to 50 years). Official medicine considers intervertebral hernia…

High Blood Pressure as a Social and Medical Problem (chapter from the book: “Do you have essential hypertension? Do you know that you always carry natural “medicines” with you …”)

Arterial hypertension is not only a medical problem, but also a serious social one. It affects millions of people around the world and is one of the leading causes of death. Unfortunately, the arterial hypertension problem cannot be brushed aside, kept silent or ignored for a number of reasons. Let’s consider arterial hypertension from the…

Do you have osteoarthritis of the knee joints and pain is the main problem? Make red light your assistant to reduce pain and other symptoms.

We are going to talk about how red and infrared light can reduce pain in patients with osteoarthritis. Let me remind you that “Osteoarthritis” is a joint disease in which cartilage is destroyed, causing bones to rub against each other. This causes pain, stiffness and decreased mobility. Most often, knees, hips and hand joints are…

How Foot Pathology Contributes to the Development of Osteoarthritis

About how foot problems increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis (arthrosis) in large joints of the leg. A. At first glance, foot diseases do not seem to be such obvious things that can accelerate the development of osteoarthritis in the joints of the legs. And being young, a person does not pay attention to these…

In need to reduce knee pain? Take a look at the humble assistant that can always be at hand: dimexide.

About whether it is worth resorting to the help of dimexide for knee pain and in what cases. A. Knee pain is a fairly common problem. It is safe to say that during life there are few people who have not experienced knee pain, especially in old age. For example, the incidence of knee pain…

Cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Is there a connection between them and is everything so obvious?

Quote: “correct knowledge – correct actions” A. Atherosclerosis as a global problem. B. The views of official medicine on the causes of plaque formation in blood vessels. C. The role of cholesterol in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in arteries according to the views of medicine. D. Let’s criticize official medicine regarding its views on…

Attention! Self-diagnosis and treatment always carry health risks: how to avoid this

The Internet has given people the opportunity to obtain detailed information on almost any disease. And this is a great temptation to diagnose and prescribe treatment for yourself, especially in those moments when it seems that your case is simple, clear and typical and you, as a patient, can do without the help of a…