Сhapter from a book : Hypertension statistics in US : what tells us figures

Dear reader, I suggest you look at the scale of the problem called “hypertension”. Statistical data will show us how things stand with the prevalence of hypertension among people, how deeply it has affected and affects the population, that is, what negative effect this pathology has on society as a whole. General data. In general,…

High Blood Pressure as a Social and Medical Problem (chapter from the book: “Do you have essential hypertension? Do you know that you always carry natural “medicines” with you …”)

Arterial hypertension is not only a medical problem, but also a serious social one. It affects millions of people around the world and is one of the leading causes of death. Unfortunately, the arterial hypertension problem cannot be brushed aside, kept silent or ignored for a number of reasons. Let’s consider arterial hypertension from the…