Role of Aspirin in atherosclerosis : patients can use it either for good or for harm

Aspirin is often praised for its role in preventing heart problems, but did you know it can also cause harm if not used correctly? In this article, we’ll break down how aspirin affects atherosclerosis, its pros and cons, and how to use it safely. 1. Who Should Read This? If you have heart disease, are…

Does exercise help in hypertension: what if nature put the necessary medicine in our muscles?

This article is intended for hypertensive patients who are interested in natural healing methods. Primary hypertension can definitely be considered a social problem. High blood pressure is observed in almost a fifth of the adult population worldwide (that is, currently, among the 6 billion adults, almost 1.2 billion people have hypertension of various types). Hypertension,…

What causes secondary high blood pressure and what should a patient pay attention to?

We will talk about secondary forms of arterial hypertension, which are also called symptomatic, as well as the main causes and characteristics of these disorders. High and prolonged blood pressure is always dangerous due to its harmful consequences, so it is important to know about this condition and fight it. Statistics show that among all…

What Causes High Blood Pressure: A Look at Essential Hypertension

The article describes probable reasons why blood pressure increases with essential hypertension. All types of arterial hypertension are divided into two large groups: Try to remember this division of hypertension into these groups. We will need them for consideration. Further in the text, high blood pressure will be called “hypertension” for the convenience of presenting…

Statins for atherosclerosis: the fight against cholesterol is like the situation described in the proverb “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”

An article about how the desire of official medicine to reduce blood cholesterol with statins is like “fighting” windmills and sometimes with bad consequences. Statins began to be used more than 40 years ago. At one time, this was considered a kind of breakthrough in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. The properties of these…

Cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Is there a connection between them and is everything so obvious?

Quote: “correct knowledge – correct actions” A. Atherosclerosis as a global problem. B. The views of official medicine on the causes of plaque formation in blood vessels. C. The role of cholesterol in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in arteries according to the views of medicine. D. Let’s criticize official medicine regarding its views on…