How Foot Pathology Contributes to the Development of Osteoarthritis
About how foot problems increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis (arthrosis) in large joints of the leg.
A. At first glance, foot diseases do not seem to be such obvious things that can accelerate the development of osteoarthritis in the joints of the legs.
And being young, a person does not pay attention to these things at all: “Well, sometimes my feet hurt, what’s so bad about that?” Unfortunately, carelessness and ignorance reward people with diseases.
The author of the article wants to convey the idea that foot health is very important for a person. Feet are literally the foundation of our body.
In addition, foot pathologies are quite common. To illustrate, we will give the frequency of occurrence of foot pathologies that can directly affect the development of osteoarthritis of the leg joints. :
1. The prevalence of flat feet among the population of Russia is at least 40% (taken from: ). Unfortunately, no generalized data for the United States was found. There is data for a number of states. For example, one study in Massachusetts showed that the prevalence of flat feet can reach up to 19% among the adult population (taken from:
2. The prevalence of plantar fasciitis can reach up to 5% in adults during life. (taken from:
3. The prevalence of foot injuries. Generalized statistics were not found. But I think almost every one of us, especially in childhood, twisted our ankle.
Let’s look at a number of things.
B. What is osteoarthritis?
Modern medicine describes osteoarthritis as a degenerative-dystrophic disease, which is based on the processes of “wear” in the articular cartilage. And this “wear” occurs for a number of reasons. In this case, if we assume that osteoarthritis is largely the result of “wear” of the affected joint, then this joint was exposed to various mechanical influences.
The question may naturally arise: “what role does the foot play here?”
Although not all patients with flat feet develop arthrosis, and yet the presence of this condition increases the risk of progression of degenerative changes in the joints (taken from: , article in Russian).
Let’s now look at what the foot does in the body in general.
B. Functions of the foot in the body.
Here are the main functions of the foot in the body:
1.Support and balance,
2.Shock absorption,
Here we will consider shock absorption, since the violation of this function directly affects the development of osteoarthritis in the joints of the legs.
Healthy feet can absorb up to 70% of the entire shock load that occurs during movement. The rest of the load is distributed between the cartilage of the joints of the legs and the spine. Imagine: the foot absorbs up to 70%. And if the foot has a reduced ability. Then it turns out that the shock impact will begin to be absorbed by the joints of the legs. And if a person is overweight. Then the load on the joints increases many times over. Experienced motorists know well that bad shock absorbers “kill” the wheel suspension of a car. So here is a similar case with feet. Feet, so to speak, are the shock absorbers of our body. It’s just a pity that you can’t buy these “shock absorbers” in a store.
C. What should be done?
a) You, as a patient, who has already armed yourself with knowledge about the role of “bad” feet in the development of osteoarthritis of the leg joints, should inform your doctor so that he can check the condition of your feet during the appointment.
b) If a foot pathology is detected during the examination, then the doctor should prescribe treatment for this pathology. Otherwise, the treatment of osteoarthritis itself will not be effective.
c) You, as a patient, need to take responsibility for the condition of your feet: try to wear comfortable shoes; avoid injuries if possible; do exercises that prevent the development of flat feet.
P.S. Once again, I would like to draw your attention, dear reader, to the fact that the condition of your feet is a very important thing for your body.
Be healthy!